Professional Development Online

Accessing eSchools and Webinars in CPD

Unlock unlimited learning: Join our free CPD system demo

FEBRUARY 4, 2025 | 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Available Virtual or On Demand

As we transform the Online Training Center (OTC), we are offering this free session to introduce your credit union training administrators to the Center for Professional Development (CPD) system. This learning management system houses all virtual training needs including eSchools (series of webinars), webinars, and online courses. You will learn how to search for and access online training sessions, understand tracking and reporting capabilities, and how to roll out to your staff. Your subscription will provide unlimited access for your credit union learners to eSchools and individual webinar sessions. Join us live to learn the product, meet our team, and ask all your questions.

Code of Conduct

We want everyone's event experience to be welcoming, respectful, and safe. For more information, see our Code of Conduct.

How to access

Our webinars and eSchools use various platforms, including Adobe Connect, Pheedloop Meet & Stream, and Zoom. All of these platforms are web conferencing technology that allows for live virtual meetings. Whether this is your first time attending a webinar or eSchool, or you simply need a refresher, review these helpful steps and frequently asked questions below.

Access instructions for webinars and eSchools


All cancellations must be received in writing. Please provide a brief explanation for the cancellation and submit via email to Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to the event are subject to a 25% administrative fee on the order total. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received on or after 7 days prior to the event. Substitutions are accepted prior to the start of the program. Additional costs may apply. Please provide the event name, current participant and new participant name to