Mortgage Lending and Housing
Credit union mortgage lending is a vital path to homeownership and financial security for millions of American families. It is critical that regulation of these products be commonsense and include appropriate accommodations so as to not overburden credit unions or price low- and moderate-income borrowers out of the dream of homeownership. Wherever possible, regulators should make regulatory exceptions for credit unions and smaller mortgage lenders to strike an appropriate regulatory balance that ensures even small credit unions are able to offer affordable mortgage products to their membership.
America’s Credit Unions also engages Congress and regulators on housing finance reform issues and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). We support housing finance reform that provides equitable access and pricing to secondary market liquidity for lenders of all sizes and charter types, and which fosters access to affordable and predictable mortgage products for homebuyers, and we work to keep flood insurance affordable and prevent any lapse in authorization for the NFIP.