Demonstrate your credit union marketing expertise, commitment

Earn the Credit Union Certified Marketing Executive™ (CUCME) designation and signify mastery of key marketing competencies. This designation is a three-year commitment, requiring attendees to complete three tracks, one per year, of Marketing & Business Development Certification School along with successful completion of the associated year 1, 2, and 3 exams.  

Top reasons to earn the CUCME designation:

  • Gain a deep understanding of strategic marketing, public relations, brand management, and other essential marketing practices tailored to the credit union industry.
  • Showcase your commitment to excellence and leadership in credit union marketing.
  • Earn the prestigious CUCME designation. 


  1. Register for the appropriate Marketing & Business Development Certification School – year 1, 2, or 3.  
  2. Successfully complete the required 3-year training corresponding exams.  

Credit union marketing professionals.  It is particularly beneficial for those aiming to advance their careers, take on leadership roles, and demonstrate a commitment to professional development within the credit union sector. 

Attend a qualifying America’s Credit Unions event within three years of certification, or last recertification, date. Qualifying events include: