Feedback sought on NCUA call report, Same Day ACH proposals

Time is running out for credit unions to share comments on two proposals that would impact credit unions: Updates to NCUA’s call report and expansion of Same Day Automated Clearing House (ACH) services.

NCUA’s request for comment on proposed changes to the call report includes revisions to existing report fields and collection of several new data points. The revisions would take effect with the March 31, 2025, report.

Additional information, including a breakdown of the proposal’s impact on credit unions, is available here. Comments can be sent to America’s Credit Unions (which will be considered as it prepares its own comments) by Nov. 4 and to the NCUA by Nov. 15.

Nacha’s Same Day ACH proposal makes two specific amendments to its operating rules: 

  1. Adds a fourth daily Same Day ACH processing window aligned with the close of the business day in the Pacific Time Zone, and 
  2. Accelerates funds availability for certain non-Same Day ACH credits.

The fourth Same Day ACH window would have an effective date of Sept. 19, 2026, and requirements related to accelerated funds availability for non-Same Day ACH Credits would take effect on Sept. 18, 2025.

Click here for additional information on its impact on credit unions, and how to submit comments to Nacha. Send comments to America’s Credit Unions by Nov. 22 and they are due to Nacha by Dec. 13.
