House takes procedural step on NDAA

The House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 was advanced by House Rules Committee late Tuesday following consideration of the more than 1,300 proposed amendments.  On Wednesday, the House adopted a Rule to proceed to the measure by a 208-207 vote.  The House now proceeds to consider the more than 250 amendments made in order by the Rule on the bill. A final vote on the bill is expected on Friday.

The Sessions Amendment, which proposed in the Rules Committee to amend the Federal Credit Union Act to ensure the Overseas Military Banking Program has federal share insurance, was not included in the amendments made in order under the Rule and will not be considered by the full House. 

America’s Credit Unions remains focused on protecting, empowering, and advancing all credit unions and will engage Congress on the FY2025 NDAA as the legislation moves through the legislative process. 
