Nussle: Do the work today for a better credit union future

Credit union advocacy is a long game that requires daily buy-in, America’s Credit Unions President/CEO Jim Nussle wrote in CUInsight Wednesday. Reflecting on what future success looks like for the credit union movement, he said the time is now to advocate for that future.

“Getting our policies through a future Congress and signed by a future president starts with relentless advocacy. Right now,” he wrote, highlighting that part of that work is electing a credit union friendly majority in the next Congress.

“Our members need this unified voice as we fight to secure the credit union tax status, reject interchange caps benefitting large retailers, modernize fields of membership, and address current and attempted limits on member business lending and bank sales to credit unions,” wrote Nussle, adding that credit union advocacy remains grounded in a simple truth: “the credit union tax status remains one of the best investments governments make in its people. It should not only be preserved, it should be celebrated.”
