CPD Recognition Program

We offer a streamlined, paperless program to recognize learners building their skills and knowledge with our online learning content. The content is organized into business areas listed below. Complete four online courses in one category and you'll earn recognition for that area in the form of a digital certificate. Complete four additional courses in the same or another category to receive additional recognition.

*For content with an asterisk, successful completion of the corresponding exam is also required to count towards recognition. 

Common Share Draft Account Errors and Claims, TR1526

Double Entry Accounting, TR1499

Elements of Accounting, TR1497

Financial Management Made Easy I: Financial Statements and Budgeting, S1200

Financial Management Made Easy II: Sources and Uses of Money, S1210

Financial Statements, TR1498

Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers, TR1003

Finance and Accounting for Non-Management Staff, TR1004

How Funds Move, TR1524

Introduction to Accounting, TR1496

Managing Financial Risk, TR1500

Reconciling ACH Payments, TR1529

Reconciling Cash Accounts, TR1525

Reconciling Credit and Debit Cards, TR1528

Reconciling Investments, TR1530

Reconciling Share Draft Accounts, TR1527

The Budgeting Cycle, TR1502

The CAMEL Rating System, TR1501

Bankruptcy Abuse and Recoveries, TR1336

Bankruptcy Basic Concepts, TR1333

Bankruptcy Documents, TR1334

Bankruptcy History and Court Proceedings, TR1332

Bankruptcy Immediate Issues, TR1335

Collections, S220

Collections and Delinquent Mortgage Loans, A1010F

Collections – Best Practices, TR1381

Collections: Early Warnings and Final Actions, TR1379

Credit and Collections, TR1376

Credit and Collection Policies, TR1377

Developing a Collections System, TR1378

Legal Action and Outsourcing Alternatives, TR1380

Successful Collections, S1310

BSA and OFAC Compliance for Volunteers, TR1155

Challenges Credit Unions Face, TR2005

Communications Strategies for High Performing Volunteers, TR1171

Credit Unions as Cooperatives, TR2002

Harassment Prevention and the Board Member's Role, TR2020

History of the Cooperative Movement, TR2003

Local Involvement: Marketing Strategy and Community Benefit,  TR1166

Marketing to Generations for Board Members, TR2041

Marketing to Target Groups for Board Members, TR2040

So, You Have a Community Charter... Now What?, TR1164

The US Credit Union Movement, TR2004

Volunteer Self-Evaluations, TR1170

What Credit Union Volunteers Need to Know About Harassment in the Workplace, TR1174 

Advanced Financial Reporting for Board Members, TR2017

Annual Audit and Examination Reports, TR2009

Asset Liability Management for Board Members, TR2016

Audit Requirements for Credit Unions, TR2032

Financial Analysis for Board Members, TR2019

Financial Forecasting and Budgeting for Board Members, TR2018

Financial Ratios for Volunteers, TR2001

Financial Reports for Volunteers, TR2000

Important Financial Ratios for Board Members, TR1160

Introduction to Audit Reports, TR2031

Tools of Financial Management for Board Members, TR2015

Understanding the Audit Report, TR1167 

A Board Governance Approach: What to do When Things Go Wrong, TR1156

An Effective Supervisory Committee, TR2008

Assessing the CEO, TR1161

Board of Directors: Legal and Regulatory Considerations and Board Effectiveness, TR2024

Board of Directors: Structure of the Board and Major Responsibilities, TR2022

Board and Management: Two Elements, One Team, TR2023

Board Policies, TR2025

Credit Union Board Governance, TR2026

Effective Governance: An Overview, TR1169

Employment Risk, TR2013

Enterprise Risk Management, TR2012

Mitigating Risk Through Internal Controls, TR2007

Reputation Risk Management for Board Members and Management, TR1551

Risk Management and Insurance for Board Members, TR2006

Strategic Planning for Board Members, TR2042

The Changing Nature of Risk, TR2011

The Director's Role When Complaints are Filed Against Senior Management, TR1162

The Supervisory Committee, TR2029

The Supervisory Committee: Auditing, TR2039

The Volunteer's Role: Third Party Relationships, TR1157 

Disaster Response Planning for Board Members, TR2014

The Aim of Risk Assessment for Board Members, TR2010 

Account Balances and Dividend Calculations, A1001B

Basic Lending Concepts and Calculations, A1000A

Basic Math and Definitions, A1001A

Closed-End Loans, A1000B

Dividend Compounding and Annual Percentage Yield (APY), A1001C

Helping Members Compare Rates and Loans, A1000C

Helping Members Reach Savings Goals, A1001D

Loan Ratios, A1000D

Mortgage Loans, A1000E

Open-End Credit, A1000F

Share Account Dividends, A1001E

Regulation CC: Expedited Funds Availability and Collection of Checks, TR1200

Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfer Act, TR1203

Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfer Act Basics and Disclosure Requirements, TR1268

Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfer Act Error Resolution Procedures, TR1269

Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfer Act Prepaid Cards, Overdraft Services, and Other Special Rules, TR1270

Regulation J and UCC Article 4A, TR1204

Truth in Savings-NCUA Part 707, TR1202

UCC Articles 3 and 4-Law of Checking Accounts, TR1205

ACH Compliance and International ACH Transaction (IAT) Implementation, TR1113

Bank Bribery Act, TR1209

Bank Secrecy Act (BSA): Overview BSA, AML, and OFAC, TR1206

BSA and AML for the Account Opening Process, TR1271

BSA and AML for Cash Handlers, TR1257

BSA and AML for Member Contact Staff, TR1261

BSA and AML for Operations Staff, TR1256

BSA and AML Red Flags for Lending Staff, TR1258

BSA and AML for the Account Opening Process, TR1271

BSA for Member Business Lending Staff, TR1120

BSA for New Accounts Staff, TR1122

BSA Overview, TR1137

Compliance Basics for Tellers, TR1252

Defining Your Credit Union: Character and Field of Membership, TR1262

ESIGN - Electronic Signatures in Global & National Commerce Act, TR1211

FFIEC Social Media Compliance Guide, TR1249

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, TR1235

Identify Theft: Red Flags (FACT ACT), TR1108

Identity Theft Red Flags Creation and Training, TR1549

Introduction to ACH Compliance, TR1183

Introduction to OFAC for Credit Union Staff, TR1260

Introduction to the Bank Secrecy Act, TR1255

IRS Information Reporting and Withholding Requirements, TR1210

Management Issues, TR1230

Marketing Communications to Members and Non-members, TR1248

Member Due Diligence, TR1139

Member Due Diligence, TR1259

Member Identification Program, TR1140

Military Lending Act, TR1234

Office of Foreign Assets Control, TR1106

Office of Foreign Assets Control, TR1207

Regulation CC, TR1103

Right to Financial Privacy Act, TR1110

Right to Financial Privacy Act, TR1208

Wire Transfers - BSA and OFAC Requirements, TR1141

You Decide: Bank Secrecy Act Scenario, TR1541

Commercial and Member Business Lending Regulations, TR1215

Fair Credit Reporting Act, TR1216

Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, TR1214

Fair Home Lending, TR1553

Marketing and Fair Lending Laws, TR1151

Regulation B: Equal Credit Opportunity Act, TR1218

Regulation Z: Truth in Lending, TR1220

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, TR1219

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z - Additional Requirements for Credit Card Accounts, TR1241

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z - Disclosures for Closed-End Non-Home Secured Loans, TR1237

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z - Important Lending Terms and Definitions, TR1236

Truth in Lending Act/Regulation Z - Open and Closed End Loan Advertising, TR1246

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z - Open-End Non-Home Secured Credit Disclosures, TR1238

UCC Article 9, TR1213

Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts, or Practices (UDAAP), TR1555

Fair Housing Act, TR1225

Homeowners Protection Act, TR1222

Introduction to Residential Mortgage Compliance, TR1251

Loss Mitigation for Real Estate Loans, TR1112

Mortgage Lending Compliance Essentials for the Loan Servicer, TR1154

Mortgage Lending Compliance Essentials for the Loan Originator, TR1152

Mortgage Lending Compliance Essentials for the Loan Underwriter, TR1153

Overview of Flood Insurance Requirements, TR1253

Regulation C – Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, TR1224

RESPA – Mortgage Settlement and Escrow Accounts, TR1254

RESPA – Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, TR1223

RESPA II – Mortgage Servicing, TR1263

RESPA Part III: Policies, Procedures, and Record Retention Requirements, TR1264

SAFE Act and Mortgage Licensing, TR1227

Secondary Mortgage Markets, TR1226

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – Ability to Repay and Qualified Mortgages, TR1242

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – Appraisal and Valuation Independence, TR1244

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – Closed-End Home-Secured Loan Disclosures, TR1240

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – High-Cost Mortgages, TR1243

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – Higher Priced Mortgages, TR1245

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – Open-End Home-Secured Loan Disclosures, TR1239

Truth in Lending/Regulation Z – Mortgage Loan Prohibited Acts or Practices, TR1247

Basic NCUA Advertising Regulations, TR1150

CUSOs, TR1233

Federal Share Insurance, TR1229

Field of Membership Rules, TR1231

Introduction to Regulations P, TR1272

NCUA Accuracy of Advertising and Notice of Insured Status, TR1267

NCUA Lending Regulations for Federal Credit Unions, TR1217

NCUA Overview, TR1228

Privacy of Consumer Financial Information - Regulation P, TR1212

Regulation P for Marketing, Operations, and Compliance Staff, TR1273

Supervisory Committee, TR1232

Share Insurance Rules, TR1107

Credit Union Tax Status, TR1523

Credit Unions: A Tradition of Community Involvement, A1004D

How Your Credit Union is Unique, A1004E

Member Service: The Core of Credit Unions, A1004B

Reputation Risk Management for Employees, TR1552

The Credit Union Difference, A1004A

The Credit Union Difference,  TR1115

What is the Credit Union Movement?, A1004C

Addressing Employee Performance, A1021C

Avoiding Ableism, TR1534

Candidate Evaluation and Selection Process, TR1406

Conducting Interviews, TR1405

Dealing with Sensitive Human Resource Issues, A1021A

Demographics, Diversity, and Workplace Inclusion, A1035A

Diversity in Action, A1035E

Diversity, Compliance, and Credit Unions, A1035C

Emotional Intelligence and How to Foster an Inclusive Workspace, TR1563

Generational Diversity in the Workplace, TR1416

Handling Difficult HR Issues, TR1413

Harassment Training for Staff, TR1184

Help Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus, TR1535

HR Law and Today's Employees, TR1412

In My Experience: Combating Systemic Racism, TR1539

In My Experience: Creating LGBTQ Friendly Workplaces, TR1531

In My Experience: Supporting the Trans Community, TR1547

Individual Rights & Employer Responsibilities under HIPAA,  TR1250

Introduction to Credit Union Ethics, TR1116

Looking Inward: Where Inclusion Begins, A1035B

Mental Health and Why it is Important, TR1564

Personal Pronouns in the Workplace, TR1557

Preparation for Interviewing Candidates, TR1404

Preparation for Recruitment of Candidates, TR1403

Preventing Sexual Harassment at Your Credit Union, TR1133

Recognition, Rewards, and Compensation, A1021D

Recruitment and HR Employment Law, TR1402

Recruitment Challenges, TR1401

Sexual Harassment, A1021B

Sexual Harassment Training for Staff, TR1013

Teamwork in a Diverse Workplace, A1035D

The Weight of Microaggressions in the Workplace, TR1558

The Importance of Psychological Safety in Organizations, TR1559

Unconscious Bias, TR1532

Working from Home, TR1538

Workplace Diversity, A1021E

Workplace Violence - Recognition and Prevention, TR1128

Comparing Roth and Traditional IRAs, IRA1625

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, IRA1618

Establishing an IRA, IRA1605

IRA Contributions, IRA1606

IRA Distributions, IRA1610

IRA to IRA Transfers and Rollovers, IRA1608

Traditional IRA RMDs, IRA1611

A Blended Learning Approach TR1397

Advanced Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Skills A1003C

Appropriate Behavior at Work TR1143

Basic Communication Concepts, A1003A

Business Writing, TR1147

Communicating Effectively with Difficult People, A1003E

Communicating the 3 Cs, A1003B

Credit Union Champion, TR1399

Delegate to Improve Productivity, TR1425

Develop a Career Plan, S1000

How to Successfully Prepare for an Interview, TR1540

Instructional Design 101, TR1396

Introduction to Adult Learning, TR1395

Make Work Manageable, S1020

Organizational Process Improvement, TR1426

Personal Branding for Your Career, TR1533

Preparing to Present, TR1398

Presenting Engaging and Effective Webinars, TR1556

Project and Time Management, TR1131

Providing Feedback to Coworkers, TR1144

Resolving Member Conflicts, A1030F

Strategic Problem Solving and Decision Making, TR1424

Strategic Teamwork, TR1427

Strategy: Introduction to the Bigger Picture, TR1423

Telephone Communication Skills, A1003D

Training Troubles, TR1400

Write Effectively, S1010

Building Lending Relationships, A1034E

Business Taxes for Lenders, TR1189

Consumer Lending Products, A1034D

Consumer Lending: Characteristics of Credit, A1034A

Consumer Lending Laws and Regulations for Loan Documents, A1011B

Consumer Lending: Laws and Regulations, A1034B

Consumer Loan Decisions and Closing, A1011E

Consumer Loan Interviews and Applications, A1011C

Consumer Loan Underwriting, A1011D

Documentation of Collection Activities, TR1367

Introduction to the Lending Process, A1011A

Keeping Members' Information Confidential, TR1371

Lending Product and Regulation Overview, TR1002

Loan Audits, TR1372

Loan Documents, TR1366

Loan File Storage and Loan Checklists, TR1368

Loan Interviewing, S700

Loan Marketing, S420

Loan Servicing, S720

Loan Underwriting, S710

Mortgage Insurance, Taxes, and Escrow Accounts, A1010E

Mortgage Lending, S410

Mortgage Loan Servicing, A1010C

Record Retention for Consumer Lending, TR1369

Regulatory Compliance for Mortgage Lending, A1010B

Rejected, Paid, and Converted Loans, TR1370

Servicing Mortgage Loan Payments, A1010D

The Consumer Lending Process, A1034C

The Fundamentals of Lending, A1026D

The Lending Process, S200

Types of Mortgage Loan Programs, A1010A

Acting to Resolve Conflict, TR1388

Addressing Poor Performance, TR1522

Applying Conflict Resolution Tools, TR1389

Building High Performance Teams, TR1414

Building Teams through Communication and Trust, A1022B

Call Center Coaching, A1027F

Creating Enthusiasm for Learning and Improvement, A1022C

Developing Leaders Around You, TR1473

Employee Retention, TR1411

Encouraging Cooperation in Others, A1022D

From Employee to Manager, TR1536

In My Experience: Managing Problem Employees, TR1521

Introduction to Managing Today's Employees, TR1407

Leading Diverse Teams, TR1469

Leading Hybrid Teams, TR1428

Leading Through Change and Conflict, TR1472

Life Skills for Leaders, TR1470

Managing Employee Performance, TR1408

Managing Employee Success, TR1409

Managing the Difficult Employee, TR1520

Managing Today's Employees: Building Your Bench, TR1410

Member Service in Today's Environment, A1022A

Motivating Service Excellence in Others, A1022E

Organizational Culture and Conflict, TR1387

Recognizing, Rewarding, and Compensating Your Team, TR1415

Strategic Planning for Senior Management, TR1180

Supporting Remote Employee Mental Health, TR1546

The Difficult Employee Dilemma, TR1519

The Nature of Conflict, TR1385

Traits of a Good Leader, TR1474

Types of Conflict, TR1386

What Do Managers Do?, TR1537

Accounting in Marketing, TR1514

Advanced Digital Media Marketing, TR1177

Advanced Social Media Marketing, TR1179

Building and Managing Marketing Brands, TR1510

Collaboration in Marketing, TR1517

Creating a Marketing Plan and Budget, TR1518

Credit Unions and Public Relations, TR1512

Credit Union Marketing and Advertising, TR1511

Finance in Marketing, TR1515

Influencing Consumer Decisions through Marketing, TR1509

Introduction to Credit Union Marketing, TR1507

Introduction to Digital Marketing, TR1176

Introduction to Social Media Marketing, TR1178

Marketing and Return on Investment, TR1513

The Economics of Marketing, TR1516

The Marketing Mix, TR1508 

Building Member Service Skills, A1005C

Call Center Service Skills: Dealing with Repetitive Tasks, A1027C

Call Center Service Skills: Handling Special Situations, A1027E

Call Center Service Skills: Positive Communication, A1027B

Call Center Service Skills: Tools & Technology, A1027D

Difficult Member Discussions, TR1016

Elder Financial Abuse-Awareness and Prevention, TR1132

Exceeding Member Expectations, TR1040

Handling Members' Financial Business, A1030C

Helping Members Understand and Solve Problems, S1110

Impacting Member Growth for Member Contact Employees, TR1006

In My Experience: Preventing Elder Financial Abuse, TR1550

Interpersonal Skills, S520

Leading for Membership Growth: The Role of the Executive Team, TR1008

Member Service Challenges, A1005E

Member Service: Exceeding Expectations, S1300

Membership Growth Starts Here, TR1005

Membership Growth: A Role for Every Department, TR1007

Not for Profit, Not for Charity, But for Service, A1005B

Offering Business Services to Members, TR1127

Professional Service Basics, A1030B

Relating to Diverse Members, A1030E

Supporting Your Credit Union's Professional Image, A1030A

The Angry Member-How to Effectively Assist an Irate Member, TR1146

Today's Credit Union Call Center, A1027A

What is Member Service?, A1005A

Working Effectively with Difficult Members and Staff, S1100

Additional Credit Union Services, A1026F

Additional Negotiable Instruments, A1024F

Advanced Teller Drawer Balancing, TR1562

Checks and Share Draft Accounts, A1026C

Checks and Share Drafts, A1024C

Credit Union Basics, A1025B

Detecting Bad Checks and Drafts, A1024D

Electronic Member Services, A1026E

Frontline Basics Refresher, TR1136

Handling and Organizing Cash, A1024B

Handling Negotiable Instruments, A1025E

HSA Basics, TR1548

Introduction to Teller Drawer Balancing, TR1561

Introduction to Trusts, TR1148

Managing the Teller Station, A1025C

Member Accounts, A1026A

Money and Negotiable Instruments, TR1134

Opening New Accounts, S800

Savings Accounts, A1026B

The Balancing Act, A1025D

The Check Clearing Process, A1024E

Todays Professional Teller, A1025A

U.S. Currency Facts and Features, A1024A 

Budgeting Basics, TR1460

Economic Basics, TR1457

Establishing Financial Well-Being through Budgeting, TR1568

Establishing Financial Well-Being through Debt Reduction, TR1569

Establishing Financial Well-Being through Goal Setting, TR1567

Establishing Financial Well-Being through Saving, TR1570

Financial Counseling for Members, S1301

Helping Members Become Financially Fit for the Future, TR1042E

Establishing Financial Well-Being through Budgeting, TR1042B

Helping Members Become Financially Fit Through Debt Reduction, TR1042C

Helping Members Become Financially Fit Through Goal Setting, TR1042A

Helping Members Become Financially Fit Through Saving, TR1042DM

Improving Financial Well-Being by Planning, TR1571

Serving Members Facing Financial Hardship, TR1459

Teaching Members to Budget Effectively, TR1572

The Savings Habit, TR1461

Understanding Consumer Credit, TR1458

CU Sales: Inquiring and Listening, TR1102

Describe Product and Service Benefits, A1002E

Expedite the Sale, A1002F

Inquire and Listen to Members, A1002D

Introduction to Sales, A1002A

Know Your Members, TR1010

Know Your Offerings, TR1011

Plan for Successful Sales, A1002B

Preparing to Solve Members' Problems, TR1009

Recognize Members' Needs, A1002C

Spotting Referrals, TR1145

ATM Security, TR1142

Avoiding False Identification, Counterfeiting, and Other Scams, TR1114

Credit Union Safety Concerns, TR1000

Fraud and Its Impact on Credit Unions, TR1382

Fraud Prevention and Resources, TR1384

Fraud Revealed, TR1383

Fraud Trends for Credit Unions, TR1149

Identity Theft Scenario, TR1014

Introduction to Security, TR1344

Member Scams for Frontline Staff, TR1187

Note Pass Robberies, TR1188

Note Pass Simulation, TR1129

Personal Safety in the Workplace, TR1001

Pirate the Password, TR1019

Plastic Card Fraud, TR1109

Recovery and Resilience: Preventing PTSD after a Robbery, TR1566

Robbery: Actions, Reactions, and Coping Skills, TR1100

Security Regulations, TR1345

Synthetic Fraud, TR1182

Unmasking Robbery: From Prevention to Recovery, TR1186

You Decide: Hostile Robbery Scenario, TR1542

Alternative Forms of Identification and Documentation, TR1125

Basic Credit Union Terms and Phrases in Spanish, A1007C

Credit Union Spanish: Applying the Basics, TR1390

Credit Union Spanish: Asking Questions, TR1392

Credit Union Spanish: The Present Perfect Tense, TR1394

Credit Union Spanish: Using Object Pronouns, TR1393

Credit Union Spanish: Using Verbs, TR1391

Numbers, Coins, and Currency in Spanish, A1007E

Spanish Foundations and Member Greetings, A1007B

The Latino Culture and Your Credit Union, A1007A

The Spanish Calendar, A1007D

Transactions with Spanish-Speaking Members, A1007F

ATMs and Plastic Card Transations, TR1352

Cybersecurity 101, TR1017

Defending Your Credit Union's Data, TR1015

IT Policies and Security - Keeping Member Data Safe, TR1349

IT Scams, TR1018

Member Service and Technology, TR1041

Technology as a Member Service Tool, A1005D

Technologies Credit Unions Use to Serve Members, TR1350

Technologies Members Use, TR1353

Using Lending Centers, TR1351

Using Technology to Provide Service, A1030D