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Active, unexpired designations and designations and training earned in 2024 and prior will be fully recognized by America’s Credit Unions. 

Some designation names will change. In these cases, name changes will happen as designees recertify their designations. Current designees should continue to utilize their unexpired credentials.  

For example, if someone earned the NCCO (NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer) designation and it has not expired, they should continue to utilize the NCCO credentials until expiration or recertification.  

Active, unexpired designations, earned through CUNA or NAFCU will remain valid until the designation expiration date. Designees who recertify by their designation expiration date will follow the respective designation recertification requirements. At that time, if there is a change to the designation name, America’s Credit Unions will automatically update your designation credentials.   

All designations offered under CUNA and NAFCU will continue to be recognized. Where there was duplication in designation, those will be combined into a new designation. For example, two BSA designations exist: CUNA Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Specialist (BSACS) and NAFCU Certified Bank Secrecy Officer (NCBSO). BSACS and NCBSO designees will continue to utilize the BSACS or NCBSO credential until expiration or recertification. At recertification, the BSACS or NCBSO will convert to Certified Bank Secrecy Act Professional (CBSAP). To recertify, designees attend a qualifying America’s Credit Unions event. No recertification exam is required to convert to the new CBSAP credential. 

No, for designations that require recertification, a recertification exam is not required.  

Designations that require multiple years of work to earn will continue. If the designation name has changed, you will earn the new designation if earned in 2025 or later.  

Upcoming Recertifications

  • To maintain your designation, complete the 2024 recertification requirements by your respective 2024 recertification deadline. To see your options for recertification, refer to your designation here.
  • If the respective recertification requirements are met, your designation will renew under its current name. For example, a NCCO (NAFCU Certified Compliance Officer) designation renewed in 2024 will renew as NCCO. There is one exception in 2024. NCBSO (NAFCU Certified Bank Secrecy Officer) and BSACS (CUNA Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Specialist) designees who attend the 2024 America’s Credit Unions Bank Secrecy (BSA) Conference, recertification track will recertify to the new designation name, Certified Bank Secrecy Act Professional (CBSAP). There is no recertification exam.
  • As of January 1, 2025,  
    • Designation period: America’s Credit Unions designation recertification period will be three years.  
    • Recertification requirement: To accomplish recertification, designees will attend a qualifying America’s Credit Unions training event.
    • Expiration date: designations will expire every three years on the anniversary date earned. 

  • To maintain your designation, complete the 2025 recertification requirements by your respective 2025 recertification expiration date. Recertification options are found here.
  • If the respective recertification requirements are met, your designation will renew as follows.
  • As of January 1, 2025:
    • Designation period: America’s Credit Unions designation recertification period will be three years.
    • Recertification requirement: To accomplish recertification, designees will attend a qualifying America’s Credit Unions training event. Attendance at an event(s) will satisfy recertification requirements. No exams or accumulated credits will be needed.
    • Expiration date: designations will expire every three years on the anniversary date earned. 

  • If your designation has not expired, you may continue to use the current designation you earned. If your designation name changes, your credentials will automatically convert to the new designation name at recertification.