Nebraska Foundation, credit unions assist communities impacted by tornadoes 

In light of recent devastating tornadoes that struck several communities, the Nebraska Credit Union League announced that the Credit Union Foundation of Nebraska has made a $10,000 donation on behalf of Nebraska credit unions to the United Way of the Midlands to assist tornado victims in rebuilding their lives. 

Cobalt Credit Union, in Papillion, Neb., has also taken action to support affected communities. The credit union has pledged to collect donations for victims of the crisis, collaborating closely with the American Red Cross and the United Way of the Midlands. Cobalt aims to reach a target of $25,000 in donations for each organization and has said it will match the first $5,000 donated to each organization.  

In addition, Cobalt has announced a comprehensive Disaster Relief Program featuring new products and services aimed at aiding victims of crises. 

Access the National Credit Union Foundation’s CUAid website to learn more about the Foundation’s disaster relief program and access important resources. CUAid is a national disaster relief program dedicated to helping credit union employees and volunteers after natural disasters. 
