Two of the three keynote speakers for the World Credit Union Conference (WCUC), happening July 21-24 in Boston, previewed their speeches for the event.
Award-winning speaker and author Erica Dhawan discussed ways to foster connections in a digital space in a recent post for America’s Credit Unions. Dhawan noted that today 70% of interactions occur virtually, meaning “how quickly we respond to emails, the words we use, our choice of communication method, the crafting of a clear subject line, or the use of an emoji are now important in communicating with others.” She highlighted five ways to help create strong digital connections.
Innovation strategist and best-selling author Shawn Kanungo called for credit unions to be innovative and ask questions. He added that “we’re romantic about our particular positions, our seniorities, our titles, and essentially our identities” and urged leaders to be “[b]e the rookie again.”
Registration is still open for the WCUC. View the full agenda and register today.