Asset & Liability Management eSchool 2024
Asset & Liability Management eSchool 2024
Increase your confidence in managing your credit union's assets and liabilities through the foundational knowledge of asset and liability management (ALM). Gain knowledge through five sessions culminating in a case study exercise that asks the attendee to put it all together and apply the information they have learned. After the case study exercise, Rochdale will cover how ALM connects to enterprise risk management (ERM).
Who Should Attend?
This eSchool is beneficial for CEO, CFO, risk vice president, controller, comptroller, treasurer, finance analyst, finance manager and board members who sit on asset-liability committees (ALCO).
This eSchool is 7 finance CPE credits if you attend every webinar live & participate 3 times per hour.
Monday, December 9, 2024 // 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Speaker: Thomas Back
After laying the foundation with an overview of the business of banking (how CUs make money), attendees learn the risks associated with asset/liability management (ALM) and how ALM fits in. The discussion of ALM covers the role it should play in the institution as well as the associated risks. Session includes the importance of ALM to safety and soundness, ALM vs AL compliance, overview and core functions of financial institutions, reward, risk, and ALM objectives and vulnerabilities.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 // 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. CT
Speaker: Thomas Back
Taking a close look at the general principles of cash flows, attendees then learn about the different types of existing analytical frameworks commonly used to evaluate cash flows—and the limitations of each. Session includes cash flows, static gap, measuring reward (income sensitivity), measuring risk (net economic value), and vulnerabilities with the traditional decision-making process.
Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024 // 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. CT
Speaker: Thomas Back
Having learned the analytical frameworks commonly used to evaluate cash flows, attendees will break down total return and evaluate the trade-off between risk and reward through discussion and case study. They will also walk through an example of liquidity. The session includes incomplete tools and misunderstood terms, the problem with yield and duration, establishing a common denominator, total return scenario analysis, and the marriage of income and economic value simulations.
Thursday, December 12, 2024 // 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. CT
Speaker: Thomas Back
Having learned the conventional analytical frameworks, attendees turn to assumptions and how they factor into the evaluation of assets, liabilities, off-balance-sheet instruments, and more. Session includes non-maturity deposits, reinvestment rates, prepayment speeds, early redemptions, static balance sheet, interest rate changes (timing and magnitude), and discounting cash flows (curves and spreads).
Friday, December 13, 2024 // 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. CT
Speaker: Thomas Back
The program culminteates with the optimal decision-making framework for institutions and lays it out in real-world context along with the impact this framework would have for the various stakeholders of an institution. Session includes liquidity, board oversight, stakeholder tensions, case study, and course takeaways.
Pricing & Registration
Asset & Liability Management eSchool 2024 On Demand
Asset & Liability Management eSchool 2024 On Demand
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Attendee Info
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We want everyone's event experience to be welcoming, respectful, and safe. For more information, see our Code of Conduct.
How to access
Our webinars and eSchools use various platforms, including Adobe Connect, Pheedloop Meet & Stream, and Zoom. All of these platforms are web conferencing technology that allows for live virtual meetings. Whether this is your first time attending a webinar or eSchool, or you simply need a refresher, review these helpful steps and frequently asked questions below.
Access instructions for webinars and eSchools
All cancellations must be received in writing. Please provide a brief explanation for the cancellation and submit via email to Cancellations received more than 7 days prior to the event are subject to a 25% administrative fee on the order total. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received on or after 7 days prior to the event. Substitutions are accepted prior to the start of the program. Additional costs may apply. Please provide the event name, current participant and new participant name to